Chuthip Chinchokchai (N. Gail)
- By: rolly luchavez
- Category: ArtistTagged: N. Gail
- April 26, 2023

N. Gail was born in 1974, Thailand. He has an Education Bachelor’s degree in Art at Faculty of Fine Art Chiang Mai University. The concept ‘Cover girl’, was used by N. Gail to express the beauty and charm of women’s faces through the light and vivid colors.
His large format paintings with mixed media technique, frame the main subject with a combination of colors and a smooth and prominent uncluttered die-cut method where the main image contrasts with the background, creating an emotional atmosphere.
2018 Meeting Art Exhibition at CMU Art Center Chiang Mai
2018 Art Exhibition no. 4 at Art & Culture Gallery Naresuan
University Phitsanulok
2016 Art Exhibition 12-3 Nan at Nan Riverside Art Gallery
2016 Cover Girl Solo Exhibition at A gallery Hong Kong participated
in Hong Kong Affordable Art Fare
2016 XTex Art Exhibition Germany
2015 Art Exhibition by Fresh Group at Bann Teak Gallery
2015 Art Exhibition 12 2 24 at Ton Tan Art Space and Gallery
2014 Participated at IWS Thailand Fastival
2013 Solo Exhibition at Indiego Gallery
1999 Art Thesis Exhibition at CMU Art Center Chiang Mai
1997 The Art Exhibition at Lotus Paung Suan Kaw, Chiangmai